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An example of fixations and saccades over text. This is the typical pattern of eye movement during reading. The eyes never move smoothly over still textIn 1879 in Paris, Louis Émile Javal observed that reading does not involve a smooth sweeping of the eyes along the text, as previously assumed, but a series of short stops (called fixations) and quick saccades.[1] This observation raised important questions about reading, which were explored during the 1900s: On which words do the eyes stop? For how long? When does it regress back to already seen words?
An example of fixations and saccades over text. This is the typical pattern of eye movement during reading. The eyes never move smoothly over still text
In 1879 in Paris, Louis Émile Javal observed that reading does not involve a smooth sweeping of the eyes along the text, as previously assumed, but a series of short stops (called fixations) and quick saccades.[1] This observation raised important questions about reading, which were explored during the 1900s: On which words do the eyes stop? For how long? When does it regress back to already seen words?
oculovestibular reflex is a reflex eye movement that stabilizes images on the retina during head movement by producing an eye movement in the direction opposite to head movement, thus preserving the image on the center of the visual field. For example, when the head moves to the right, the eyes move to the left, and vice versa. Since slight head movement is present all the time, the VOR is very important for stabilizing vision: patients whose VOR is impaired find it difficult to read using print, because they cannot stabilize the eyes during small head tremors. The VOR does not depend on visual input and works even in total darkness or when the eyes are closed.The VOR has both rotational and translational aspects. When the head rotates about any axis (horizontal, vertical, or torsional) distant visual images are stabilized by rotating the eyes about the same axis, but in the opposite direction [1]). When the head translates, for example during walking, the visual fixation point is maintained by rotating gaze direction in the opposite direction, by an amount that depends on distance [2]).
oculovestibular reflex is a reflex eye movement that stabilizes images on the retina during head movement by producing an eye movement in the direction opposite to head movement, thus preserving the image on the center of the visual field. For example, when the head moves to the right, the eyes move to the left, and vice versa. Since slight head movement is present all the time, the VOR is very important for stabilizing vision: patients whose VOR is impaired find it difficult to read using print, because they cannot stabilize the eyes during small head tremors. The VOR does not depend on visual input and works even in total darkness or when the eyes are closed.
The VOR has both rotational and translational aspects. When the head rotates about any axis (horizontal, vertical, or torsional) distant visual images are stabilized by rotating the eyes about the same axis, but in the opposite direction [1]). When the head translates, for example during walking, the visual fixation point is maintained by rotating gaze direction in the opposite direction, by an amount that depends on distance [2]).
Представляете, сколько в нашем организме автоматики, плавно "сливающейся" с нашим собственным контролем за глазами. Алсо, дыхание же!
Кошки практически не видят цвета.
зато отменно видят в темноте.
а вот к собаке не подкрадешься сзади.
Кстати интересно, почему люди видят именно тот участок спектра, который от красного до фиолетового, а не более широкий?
>>20059 В этом диапазоне находится максимум спектра солнечного излучения, это раз. И для наших предков-приматов, живших на деревьях и питавшихся преимущественно фруктами с яркой расцветкой в этом диапазоне длин волн, наиболее важным было распознание их среди листвы, поэтому и развивалось такое цветовое зрение. Для прокачки его до инфракрасного/ультрафиолетового просто не было эволюционных стимулов.Так-то!
спасаю кз тред
освежающие бампы: клубничный
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