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File: 1319728677639.jpg -(16114 B, 480x270) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
16114 No.70073  


Well you guys do seem to be more "enlighten" about the world's cultures then others so i got questions for any actual russians

-Do you guys hate, like or inbetween Vladimir Lenin (yes communism was bond to be brought up) our media says no but the one Russian around here (his name is Dimitri Besenko kill him if you wish says you guys think he's pretty cool)

-Is mod-kun, moot? i.e 4chan's creator?

thanks, couldn't break a verification so had to make a new thread.

>> No.70077  

and by "enlighten" i mean you know how to use the word "fuck."

Ahahahaha it seems i have my answer!

>> No.70079  
File: 1319730007706.jpg -(4410 B, 252x190) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Kay thanks since i can't post in my fucking thread anymore i will begin the time honored tradition of lurking more.

Any ground rules that are different from /b/ would be appreciated though. Okay i'm done

>> No.70081  


>Any ground rules that are different from /b/ would be appreciated though

it's not like we have any rules here. also in /d/ you can ask for cookie to disable capcha

>> No.70083  

actually, mod-kun is just regular guy around 25, geek, linuxoid, lieks hiking and anime. there really is no fuss around his personality.
by the way, why are you so curious and how you got there?

>> No.70086  


just checking the patient kind sir

>> No.70088  
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>> No.70098  

Что есть происходит в этом тред?
Also, Lenin is dead, he's corpse is still around tho.
There's no hate or excessive love or whatever. He's dead.
Mod-kun is a pretty cool guy: bans Saber and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.70099  
File: 1319759353112.jpg -(32056 B, 363x311) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


This beast is still alive?... Cool

What was going on was/is a info gathering about this "chan" if you call it that. Been reading stuff here since i first posted these questions

>> No.70117  
File: 1319811224123.jpg -(250596 B, 800x684) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What a good idea, for long time I haven't seen a single man who actually "gathered information" rather than say something like "hey people wus goin on here people".
Personally I'd like to know why I'm still here, even if there's no much left to say. Most likely just keeping good old IB updated.

>> No.70130  
>for long time I haven't seen a single man who actually "gathered information" rather than say something like "hey people wus goin on here people".

There are a lot of lurkers here, they just dont show it off so you dont know about them. But trust me, they are many.

>> No.70144  

It's time to pray for The Grate Weetch, heretics!
For the sake of Peazantment Unionship!

>> No.70161  
File: 1319896798415.jpg -(35065 B, 425x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


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