Sorry about the delay, anon, but I really forgot I had make this thread.
>It looks like Brazil poetry is not really well represented in russia.
Anon, Brazillian poetry it's not well represented even in Brazil in the first place. Not even I know most of those names in there.
About recommendations, don't know if this is a matter of taste or I wasn't well taught or even both, but I'm not that much into poetry in general as I am into literature as a whole.
Most of our best known literates — pretty much academic fags — (Caio de Abrel, Clarice Lispector) are not even worth a read. Try to aim for people who were born under the Empirial age.
If we talking about certains I highly (really) recommend you to read Machado de Ássis (Машаду де Ассис). He is a poet as well, but I'm more into his chronicles.
There is even a russian translation of his most famous book, Dom Casmurro (Дон Касмурро). It's really good.
Most of the poets I know and I liked to read when I for some reason did were from our colonization times, that is priests.
José de Anchieta (Жозе ди Аншиета) is a very good example, not sure if his works were ever translated.
What about you, anon? Do you have any recomendations for me? anything which I should avoid while learning? I thank every word in advance.
There is one poem which I always carry with me, though. It's not "exactly" Portuguese, it is Old Galician — which is pretty much Portuguese these days.
Galiciano antigo — Old Galician
Porque no mundo mengou a verdade,
punhei um dia de a ir buscar;
e, u por ela fui nom preguntar,
disserom todos: «Alhur la buscade,
ca de tal guisa se foi a perder,
que nom podemos en novas haver
nem já nom anda na irmaindade.»
Português moderno — Modern Portuguese
Porque no mundo sumiu a verdade,
tirei um dia para ir buscá-la;
e, por ela fui á perguntar,
disseram-me todos: busque em outro lugar,
pois está perdida de tal forma,
que não temos mais noticia dela,
nem cá ela está mais á vagar.
Ingês moderno — Modern English
Because in the world the truth has faded,
I decided to go a-searching for it
and wherever I went asking for it
everybody said: 'Search elsewhere
because truth is lost in such a way
such as we can have no news of it
nor is it around here anymore.'
— Airas Nunes, 13th Century.